Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 3 - 31day Challenge

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Day 3 - Identify Your Values

So today you are suppose to identify your life Values - so here's my list of what's important to me....

Financial security
Healthy relationships
Social life
Job advancements
Community Involvement - public service
Physical fitness

Sunday, December 5, 2010

31 Day Reset Challenge

So, I've decided to take the 31 day reset your life challenge - thanks to Ogonnaya who passed along this amazing blog by a young woman name Rosetta , Rosetta placed a challenge to women everywhere to reset your life before 2011. We all know how we like to start new for the new years but like Rosetta said you should start to prepare yourself before hand so you know exactly what goal you are trying to attain. So with my notebook in hand I will try to share as much as I can on what I am learning about myself and what I plan to achieve physically and mentally in the year 2011.

So they are already on day 5 into the challenge this being day one for me but since this is my day 1 I will try to keep up with the other ladies :)

Day 1
What's your 31 day mantra for the challenge?

My focus is to "Live life free with no worries or stress and enjoy happiness within and find my outer joy"